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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I am located in Kennewick, WA. Exact address will be given at time of reservation and payment.

Do you deliver?

I do not deliver. Pick up time and location will be established at time of booking. 

Do you ship cookies?

Due to licensing restrictions I am unable to ship cookies. 

Are your cookies allergen free?

Sugar and drop cookies do not contain nuts. Macarons are gluten free, however, they do contain almond flour.

While I do my absolute best to keep everything separate, I do work out of my peanut and gluten friendly home kitchen and therefore can not ensure that cookies will be safe to be consumed by those with food sensitivities. 

How much lead time do you require for orders?

It is best to contact me as soon as possible to reserve your date on my calendar. Dates are not reserved until order is paid in full at the time of booking. 

How long do the cookies stay fresh?

Cookies should be consumed within 2 weeks for best flavor. They can last up to four weeks if properly stored in a cool dry area in an airtight container. 

*It is up to the client to store in the freezer.

Why are cookies so expensive?

Here is the question that everyone wonders!


Time is spent communicating with the client to get the exact vision of their cookie needs. An inspiration board is created for each order from requests from the client and online research. This is just the beginning!


Ingredients and supplies are then gathered and ordered (if needed). Then comes mixing the dough, rolling dough, cutting, baking, and cooling. Now the fun part starts! Hours are spent hand decorating each cookie to bring the cookie vision to life.


Lastly, each cookie needs packaging, heat-sealing, labeling and boxed for pickup.


This is a passion for me and I enjoy this whole process. It is helpful the for client to understand the process and that is why I share this information! 


How are cookies packaged?

Cookies are individually packaged in a cellophane bag and heat-sealed to retain optimal freshness.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds; however, if you have unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact me immediately. 

When is payment due for my order?

50% deposit is required to reserve the date on my calendar. The remaining 50% is due 2 weeks prior to pickup date. 

It is optional (and recommended!!) to pay 100% at time of booking.

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